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How to use and operate better on the machine when using the spring testing machine? Andhere to introduce the following methods:
First, each member must check the machine have loose phenomenon, and timely to also look atother sites are running normally, add some oil to prevent rust, if some parts of the machine havedirt or debris, should be promptly cleaned drive is to view the chain, when found loose situation,should be timely to solid, to ensure that when in use will not have any safety issues.
Second, to regularly check whether there is leakage of the tank, and timely replacement of corresponding parts, the use of life and the machine to check the oil, replace the important parts of hydraulic oil and filter regularly, to ensure the machine during the work time is not unexpectedproblems.
Third, when the machine does not work, remember to cut off the power when in standby state,remember to corresponding gear, if the machine has been in a state of charge, will damage some important components, affect the machine work efficiency, but also increase the production costs of enterprises.、
 Fourth, connection to check each interface is loose, and in accordance with the correct method of wiring, otherwise it will affect the normal work of the machine, important parts will also damagethe machine, in order to ensure the safety of staff, remember to turn off the power in the terminal when, when remember to turn off the controller power and computer time to dont use the machine long time, to save power, and to protect the machine from damage.
Through the introduction above we have on spring testing machine have more understanding,at the same time, many methods to maintain spring testing machine also know, I hope you canuse these methods to maintain the spring testing machine, only in this way will not affect itsworking efficiency, and can prolong its service life. Spring testing machine is a widely used in many industries and fields of test equipment, the performance can be measured materials to help enterprises accurately, it leads to many enterprises of the pro gaze, have a more broad prospects for development.
According to the working principle of its different, spring testing machine is divided into different categories, enterprises need according to their own needs, choose the type from, so as tocreate more economic benefits for enterprises. However, spring testing machine as theinstrument accuracy is relatively high, when in use need to be careful and do daily maintenance,only in this way can effectively prolong its life, so in daily life, we should be how to maintainspring testing machine, the following will introduce more related content on the maintenance of the spring testing machine for everyone.